Contact Information: |
Name: | Badgerow, J. Nick |
Address: | 9401 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 700 Overland Park, Kansas 66210 |
Phone: | 913-327-5134 |
Fax: | 913-345-0736 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Practice Region: | Kansas City, KS |
Bar Admissions |
District of Kansas: | 9138 () |
Others: | Missouri - 1986 U.S. District Court - W.D. Mo. - 1986 U.S. Courts of Appeals, Tenth, Eighth, Fourth, Federal Circuits U.S. Claims Court U.S. Supreme Court |
In Good Standing: | Yes |
ADR Experience |
Experience: | Conducted over 100 mediations as mediator. Participated in numerous mediations representing a party. Received mediation training by U.S. District Court - District of Kansas under the old panel rules. Appointed as special master by Johnson County District Court to oversee discovery in a civil case. |
Lead Mediator Sessions: | 102 |
Co-Mediator Sessions: | 0 |
Counsel for a Party Sessions: | 100+ |
ADR Training |
Course Info: | Arbitrator I certification training, American Arbitration Association Mediation Training, U.S. District Court - D. Kan. - under old panel system |
Total CME Hours: | 56 |
Approved Mediator for Civil Cases by the State of Kansas: | No |
Legal Experience |
Experience: | Partner, Spencer Fane Britt & Browne Kansas Board of Discipline for Attorneys, Member, appointed by Kansas Supreme Court (2000 - 2020). Kansas Judicial Council, Member, appointed by Kansas Supreme Court (1994 - 2010). Board Certified in Civil Litigation by the American Board of Trial Advocates (1994). Civil Justice Reform Act Committee, United States District Court ? District of Kansas, Co-Chairman, (1995 - 1998). Kansas Supreme Court Civil Code Advisory Committee, Chairman, (1995 - 2020). Kansas Bar Association Ethics 2000 Commission Chairman, (2002); Ethics 20/20 Commission (2019) |
Active Litigation: | 49 Years 10% representing Plaintiffs 90% representing Defendants 40% in Federal Courts 60% in State Courts |
Other Experience: | |
Education: | University of Missouri (Kansas City, Missouri) Juris Doctor, 1975 |
Additional Details: | Casenote, 43 U.M.K.C. L. Rev. 211 (1974). ?Dealing With Change: The New Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,? 63 Kansas Bar Journal 26 (April, 1994). ?The Fork in the Road: A Practitioner?s Guide to the 1997 Changes in the Code of Civil Procedure,? 66 Kansas Bar Journal 32 (June-July, 1997). ?Improper Advances: The Rule Against Sex with Clients,? 67 Kansas Bar Journal 40 (June-July, 1998). ?Not with My Client You Don?t: The Propriety of Contacting Represented Parties,? 2 Johnson County Bar Association Barletter 6 (January 1998). ?Can We Talk?: The Lawyer?s Ethical, Professional and Proper Duty to Communicate with Clients,? 7 Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy 105 (Spring, 1998). ?Resuscitating the Principle of Perjury,? Kansas Association of Defense Counsel Legal Letter, p.1 (March 1999). ?Lawyers Beware: Increasing Efforts to Invade the Attorney-Client Privilege Through Examination of Attorneys? Fee Statements,? Kansas Association of Defense Counsel Legal Letter, p. 1 (December 1999). ?The Lawyers? Creed of Professionalism: Some Observations from the Field,? 69 Kansas Bar Journal 24 (February, 2000). ?A Profession on the Threshold: The Bar Considers Multiple Discipline Practice,? 69 Kansas Bar Journal 12 (March, 2000). ?Can?t We All Just Get Along??: A Review of Successful Partnering Between Inside and Outside Counsel, 70 Kansas Bar Journal 12 (March, 2001). ?Honor in Battle: The Conflict Between Candor and Zealous Advocacy,? 70 Kansas Bar Journal 16 (October, 2001). ?Nip it in the Bud: Kansas Adopts Diversion for Lawyer Discipline,? Johnson County Bar Association Barletter, (December 2001) ?May It Please the Court: A Tribute to Charles S. Schnider,? 71 Kansas Bar Journal 16 (September, 2002). ?Walking the Line: Government Lawyer Ethics,? 12 Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy 437 (Spring, 2003). ?Have Gun ? Will Travel: Where Should Depositions Be Taken?? Kansas Association of Defense Counsel Legal Letter, p. 1 (Summer 2003). Dozens of articles since then. Co-Author, Kansas Employment Law Handbook (K.B.A. 1991; 1995 Supp.). Co-Author and Co-Editor, Kansas Lawyer Ethics Handbook (K.B.A. 1996; 2001 Supp.). Presented more than 2000 CLE seminars. |
Fee Structure |
Rate: | Hourly rate, $600.00 per hour, plus expenses |