Contact Information: |
Name: | Young, Edward C. |
Address: | 2510 Lilac Drive Liberal, KS 67901 |
Phone: | (620)626-3300 |
Fax: | (620)626-3331 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Practice Region: | Wichita, KS |
Bar Admissions |
District of Kansas: | 16491 (1994) |
Others: | Missouri Bar, 2000, 52299 |
In Good Standing: | Yes |
ADR Experience |
Experience: | In-house mediation in City and County government. References available. Instructor of Tactical Communications (a street level mediation program for police officers) Missouri Sheriff's Training Academy. |
Lead Mediator Sessions: | 15 |
Co-Mediator Sessions: | - |
Counsel for a Party Sessions: | 3 |
ADR Training |
Course Info: | Kansas Bar Association, Civil Mediation Training, March 2003, 40. Verbal Judo, Tactical Communication / street level mediation, Eastern Missouri Law Enforcement Academy, 1999, 40. University of Kansas, School of Urban Planning, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Spring 1991, semester. *** Kansas Rule 902 application is pending *** |
Total CME Hours: | 40 |
Approved Mediator for Civil Cases by the State of Kansas: | No |
Legal Experience |
Experience: | County Counselor, Seward County, Kansas, 2002-Present. County Administrator, Seward County, Kansas, 2002 - Present. General Counsel, Missouri Deputy Sheriff's Association, 2000-2002. City Administrator, Eldon, Missouri, 1996-2002. Adjunct Professor, Webster University - Ft. Leonard Wood Campus, Master of Public Administration Program, Law and Public Management Instructor. |
Active Litigation: | 3 Years 20% representing Plaintiffs 80% representing Defendants 10% in Federal Courts 90% in State Courts |
Other Experience: | |
Education: | B.A., University of Kansas, 1990. - Sociology and Latin American Studies. M.P.A., University of Kansas, 1995. - Public Management. J.D., University of Kansas, 1993. |
Additional Details: | National Association of Counties Award - Multi-lingual Voter Action Plan - 2003. American Bar Association, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Member. ABA - State and Local Government Section Member. President, Kansas County Administrators' Association. American Planning Association Member. |
Fee Structure |
Rate: | Hourly: $150 per hour split between parties, may vary due to complexity of the case. Review fee is $60 per hour preset number of hours following consultation with the parties. Travel expenses will not be charged, unless multiple days are required. |