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Internship Programs

Internship Program

  • All internships will focus primarily on providing an educational experience for the participant. A student may provide a maximum of 2,080 hours of volunteer service to the court. Individuals related to judges or a public official of the court are not eligible to apply for an internship. All student volunteers are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct and will be subject to a background check.

Clerkship Clinic

  • Law Student Internship Opportunities with District Court and Magistrate Judges: The Court has an internship program in place with the University of Kansas and Washburn University. Law students from those schools can apply directly through the clerkship clinic coordinator at their school. Student applications are due in February, and assignments are generally determined by April.

    All other interested law students should submit a cover letter and resume, within the same time frame, directly to the Human Resources Department at:

Clerk’s Office Opportunities

  • The Clerk’s Office actively participates in three types of volunteer internship programs:
  1. Law Student Internships: Students learn court procedures and gain front-line experience within the federal judiciary while working on special projects. The intern works closely with the Clerk of the Court and chambers’ personnel on several special initiatives within the court, including legal research and writing projects.
  2. Paralegal Student Internships: Students perform paralegal work, observe court proceedings and learn specific Clerk’s Office procedures and practices.
  3. Administrative Student Internships: Participants have the opportunity to gain valuable entry – level experience in their area of interest: Human Resources, Information Technology, Finance and Procurement.

    If you are interested in applying for any of the following opportunities, please submit a cover letter and resume to the Human Resources Department at:

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